WordPress Plugin Critiques and Custom Development
Responsive headline word-wraps
It always happens that a long headline wraps 1 word to a new line, but if you add a line break, then it wraps one word before the line break at certain screen sizes. Here is a solution I came up with to handle that problem. The html: The css: Resize your browser to see…
How a 500 error and max_questions caught a sql injection attack
Due to limitations at the client’s host we had to troubleshoot a server outage through the Access Log and found that the site was under active attack
One-line bash script to create WordPress plugin zip from plugin directory
How I make a zip and ignore .idea, .git and other directories as defined in the .gitignore file This should not be done on a production site since a zip of the plugin will be publicly available and could expose sensitive information about your WordPress site. cd into the plugin’s directory This command will create…
Test a site backup locally
Download the site Download the site and unzip it into public_html Set up the docker-compose.yml Download docker-compose.yml and adjust as needed or use the version below: docker-compose.yml Import the database Change the path to the sql file in the docker container Create a backup of the database This will generate a backup of the database
Node version switcher using NVM
Node Version Manager makes it easy to switch which version of Node you are running: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm Install a version of Node: Switch to an already installed version: Check which versions are installed:
“Rather than strong-arming us into a solution to fit programming constraints, Steve built a jaw-dropping solution based on our industry’s ‘culture’ and customers’ expectations. Exceedingly collaborative and patient, Steve is truly a trusted partner, working with us at every step and refusing to give up when the programming gets tough.”
Susan Santone
Executive Director, Creative Change Educational Solutions
“Steve consistently impressed me with his exceptional skills, dedication, and ability to take anything I said I wished we could do or fix and make it happen with ease.
His collaborative nature and commitment to excellence make him invaluable to any company needing support with their website. I wholeheartedly recommend him”
Nicole Bent, MBA
Director of Digital Marketing, GuideCX
“I’ve worked with Steve for almost 15 years— and it is always a pleasure! I appreciate that along with deep expertise and insights, Steve delivers his work with wholehearted care for both projects and people. Invisible Engines is grateful to have him as a key collaborator.”
Linette Lao
Founder, Invisible Engines
More reviews available on Google’s Plugin Critic, llc profile or on my WordPress Plugins